Monday, November 26, 2012

Serving Together

Part of being in community also meant working together as a team. One special project was rebuilding the main boardwalk in the center of camp. The wood had begun to rot due to the harsh weather. My job was pulling nails out of the old wood so it could be used as firewood. Even the leader’s children helped out by gathering up stray nails. Paul worked with other men to prepare new boards. Other projects included moving firewood, mowing lawns, repairing amphitheater log seating and erecting a log flagpole, just in time for the 4th of July. 
In addition, “camp detail” included daily chores. Such as tidying up the lecture room, scrubbing the bathhouse and KP (washing dishes). These tasks taught us the importance of working together and that each of us had different strengths. Camp ran smoothly when everybody pitched in. You could hear plenty of laughter and joking during these times which made the work go quickly.

As you can see we had a wonderful time! Many of you made this wonderful experience possible with your sacrificial prayers and gifts. I am sure we will continue to learn lessons from this trip in the months to come. Thank you for blessing both Paul and me in this very special way!

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