Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Learning to Love God

Children ask questions, share prayer requests and learn how to pray in Released Time Classes.

Strengthening the Work

It’s hard to believe that children can grow up not hearing the stories about Abraham, Moses and Jonah. Experience tells us that 60 percent of children who attend RT nationwide have no church background. RT volunteers get to be the ones to introduce them, not just to Bible and its characters, but to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

One of my challenges is to visit each school where we have local RT classes. Through visiting these classes, I can encourage volunteers who teach, assist and drive. Sometimes I bring resources for them to use. Many of the volunteers purchase teaching materials out of their own pocket, in addition to freely giving their time. These folks sincerely believe that children in public schools should have Bible education. I want to do all I can to strengthen this work and reach as many children as possible.

Thanks for partnering with us to accomplish so much. We couldn’t do it without you! 

In Christ, -Nancy

Discovering Released Time Christian Education

Did you know that the Bible 
is being taught to 4th-6th graders, one hour a week-during the school day, outside 149 public schools in Southern California? It is called “Released Time Christian Education.”

The 10 different Released Time (RT) Programs are in Anaheim, Azusa, Chino Valley, Long Beach, 
Los Angeles, Ontario/Montclair, Orange, Placentia/Yorba Linda, Pomona and Santa Ana. These classes are held off-campus in nearby churches, trailers (mobile classrooms), and parks. School children from every background are welcome to join the class if they have parental permission. RT Christian Education Programs have been active in California for the last 67 years.

The Probablility of Accepting Christ

Between ages 5-13, there is a 32% probability of a person accepting Jesus as their Savior
(4% between ages 14-18 
and 6% for those 19 years and older).

Barna Institute Research on over 1,000 adults; May 2001

Fishing for the Biggest Catch

You might ask, “Why go to the public schools?” I am still an evangelist of children at heart. It makes sense to share the gospel when the human heart is most responsive. 
Research shows that those between the ages of 4 and 14 have the highest response rate. If you want to catch the most fish, would you fish in a small pond or the open sea? When I have shared the gospel in Neighborhood Good News Clubs our attendance was 8-10 children. When we held a Good News Club at a Church, 15-20 children would attend. But when club takes place at a public school we get 60-80 children; all from homes with little or no church background. Experience has taught me to reach the most unchurched kids, I must go to their environment: public schools. The the nets are ready and I am called to toss them out. I get to train many others to join me. We are going to need help if we expect to draw in a catch this big! Will you be fishing with us?

Exhibiting at CPC 2011

In mid-March we traveled to the Children’s Pastor’s Conference (CPC) in San Diego to promote the work of CEAI and Released Time to the 2,000+ childrens’ workers who attended. Forrest presented a workshop called “Growing Your Children’s Ministry through Serving the Public Schools.” Childrens’ pastors, Christian parents and Christian public school teachers can team up to show Christ’s love to the school. This starts with praying for and serving the school staff. We shared how strategic it is to train children to share the gospel with their schoolmates, since children have the most freedom to share at school. We try to network the Christians so adult prayer groups and Christian kids clubs can be started. One of the clubs we encourage these networks to support is the After School Good News Clubs sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF).