Friday, January 23, 2009

Heart-Home Improvement

My Aunt has a magnet on her refrigerator which says, “If you are coming to see me; come anytime. But if you are coming to see my house, please make an appointment.” I guess we all like to get our places cleaned up before guests come over. I wonder, is the same for the heart? If Jesus suddenly dropped by (into my heart) would I be embarrassed? Would I scurry around trying to clean up thoughts, words or actions before He saw them? What would He find, at the bottom of a heap, on the floor of my heart? What would be stashed under the bed so no one could see?

These were the thoughts that ran through my head as I was preparing for our CEF Valentine Outreach Party called My Heart Home. The story is modeled after the old devotional written by Robert Boyd Munger, called My Heart, Christ’s Home. I highly recommend this wonderfully thought provoking booklet.

Most of us probably try to clean ourselves up before we come to God. We don’t realize that the same grace that allowed us to come to the cross to receive Christ as Savior, is the same grace that we rely on as we come before Him each day. Jesus is not just a Guest in my heart, staying only for a week’s vacation, but He actually moved in just like He promised in his word. John 14:23CEV says “Jesus replied: If anyone loves me, they will obey me. Then my Father will love them, and we will come to them and live in them.” Once I asked Him to be Lord of my life, He not only took up permanent residency, but I handed Him the deed to the entire estate.

My goal is now to please Him in every room (area) of my life. Sometimes it just takes some minor dusting and vacuuming. Other times, he is ready to knock down old barriers and begin major reconstruction. Maybe you didn’t know the Holy Spirit was into power tools? This renovation is not complete yet and I am certainly not ready for an Open House, but it is definitely underway. Now there is no need for Jesus to make an appointment. I guess you could say, we are on our way to some Heart-Home Improvement.

P.S. BTW, you all gotta see this funny U-tube video!

It has a great message!

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