Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tenth School Club Opens

Glazier Elementary School in Norwalk has allowed us to begin holding an After-School Good News Club on their campus at the beginning of November. This happens to be the same school where my older sister, Susan, works as a 3rd Grade Teacher. She has agreed to lead the team of Christian volunteers; current and former teachers.
I will teach this club for the first several weeks until the volunteers are able to take over. This After-School Good News Club is the tenth Club that the Greater Long Beach Chapter has sponsored. I am so glad God is using me in public schools.

God Provides New Computer

I had not told anyone the trouble I was having with my laptop back in June. Wrestling with technology during the day was causing unnecessary stress. After six years of constant use, my laptop was running slowly. A year ago, I added another gigabyte of memory in hopes of making it last a bit longer. Other symptoms were error messages and having to interrupt my work constantly to reboot. When it froze, I remember thinking . . . if I did not have the money to fix the computer, than I certainly did not have enough to buy a new one.
In early July, one of my supporters (a dear couple) asked if there was a special project they could help with in my ministry. Immediately, computer problems came to mind. The offered to buy me a new computer.
God was providing for me again! This couple was so generous that I was able to purchase a new 15 inch Mac Book Pro, purchase the warranty, the One to One Training Program, iWork software and it even came with a printer as well. I am so happy to have a Mac. Praise God for His provision!

Five Kids Receive Christ on Halloween

Starburst the Clown was asked to be the Children’s Speaker at the “Light the Night” Halloween Carnival Alternative at the First Baptist Church of Alhambra. Weeks of planning yielded a great harvest of people coming through the doors. There were games, food, a bounce house, and upstairs in the Good News Room, was Starburst the Clown. Eight Children’s Workers were trained and standing by, ready to pray with children who responded to the invitation to receive Christ. About 80 people came to the Good News Room and heard the gospel during the two shows. Five children prayed to become a Child of God, as a result! I was so glad let my light shine on Halloween night. Give God the glory with me.

Nancy’s Getting Married

Paul asked me to marry him and I said “Yes!” We are planning to get married next April.
Both of us being in our 30’s meant that we already knew ourselves pretty well and what we were looking for in a mate. On one of our first dates, I remember asking what we had in common, as I was skeptical at first. As I got to know Paul, I discovered so many things in common that I lost count.

Early on, I shared with him God’s call on my life to evangelize children and found that he was extremely supportive of my ministry. His goals in the medical field, are motivated by the same heart of compassion and desire to serve others that I value so much. What a thrill to discover that specific prayers for a our future mate, were answered in each other! Now I can see that not only did God answer, but He went beyond what I asked, providing for what I did not even have the wisdom to request.
In mid October, we celebrated our 6 month anniversary. Paul took me to a fancy dinner in Laguna Beach and afterwards, we walked down to the sand. He got down on one knee and asked me to be Mrs. Kannard. He placed a beautiful diamond engagement ring on my finger and I accepted. I am so excited about planning a Wedding. Praise God with me for how He is guiding our lives!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A New & Exciting Journey

Meet My Boyfriend, Paul

A year and a half ago, the Interior Career Group at the First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton where I attend, decided to focus this ministry to those in their young 20’s. You might say that my friends and I outgrew the Interior, as we participated in it over the years. So last January, some of my friends got our Pastor’s blessing to start the 30’s Home Fellowship. This was a wonderful chance for us to stay connected and continue our fellowship.
During this time, I got to know Paul Kannard. He, too, had been part of the Interior, was active in one of the men’s small groups and participated in a six month spiritual growth class that I took, called The Journey. This class met weekly and alternated between lecture format and mixed small groups. Paul happened to be in my Journey small group. Somehow, I had gotten his attention, but he never let me know.
It was not until the 30’s Home Fellowship began that I talked to Paul at any length. We were both very active in the group on Friday nights, serving wherever needed. He offered to walk me to my car one night, which made me a little nervous. He had noticed me picking up leftover paper plates after dinner and commented, “I just want to make sure you know: We love you for who you are, not just what you do for us.” I was really impressed with how observant and sensitive he was! At the end of a meeting in early April, he asked me to join him for coffee. We started dating, and we have been dating consistently ever since.
Paul is studying to be a nurse and loves helping others. We are very like-minded and enjoy doing activities together, such as: watching movies, walking his dog, babysitting my nieces and meeting with other Christian couples. We participate weekly in the 30’s Bible Study and enjoy activities with mutual friends from church. We were involved in the church service project, the summer car-campout and have gone on a few hikes together. Paul loves the great outdoors, so I expect more of this will be in our future. In June, his older sister, Karen, and her husband Rob, had a baby boy. In May, I got to meet most of his family when we attended the baby shower.
This new, exciting journey was un-expected, but what a joy that God caused our paths to cross. We are both so thankful to Him!! Thanks for your love and support!

Four Summer Missionaries

Pictured to the right:
Blake, Rebekah, Paris, Roger and Myself

Meanwhile, our summer ministry of 5-Day Clubs is still going strong. God brought four students to join our Summer CYIA Missionary Team this year. Three returning students came for their third year. During CYIA Training School, 202 heard the gospel, and 37 made first-time decisions for Christ. In July, 120 more children heard the gospel through these four Summer Missionaries in the Greater Long Beach Area. God continues to use us as we are faithful to Him.

A Lifelong Writing Project

On May 12, 2009, I met in a small room with 6 others to have our final Ordination Interview. We were asked many specific questions about our calling and conversion. The committee of Pastor’s wanted to know which passage of scripture best conveyed our heart for ministry. During the Ordination Ceremony, this passage was read and all family members and friends in attendance came forward, laid hands on me and prayed. That evening will always be a special memory that I hold in my heart!
The verse I chose was 2 Corinthians 3:2, “You, yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are our letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of the human heart.”
Over the last 10 years, my “letter” of recommendation has been the people to whom I minister, as I invest in their lives. There have been many children who have received Christ as their Savior. My credentials have rested in the additional adults and teens that I have trained to share the gospel effectively with kids. Through this, I am aware that each task is God’s “elaborate excuse” for me to love others in His name, just as I was loved unconditionally. As I experienced the benefit of God using mentors to invest into my life, I decided to live for what will really lasts by investing in the lives of others. Now that my Ordination allows me to “marry and bury” my intention is to use this credential to strategize with others pastors about how to reach children outside their churches. I am driven each day by the realization that children live without God and without hope. You might say I have a “lifelong-writing project,” but one that will impact the world, one child at a time.

Pathways of Preparation

Putting my trust in Christ around age 4 or 5 led me down a specific path. Could God’s call on my life have started in Kindergarten? God impressed upon me the lyrics from a simple childhood song. I remember singing, “I’m just a child, my life is still before me. I just can’t wait, to see what God has for me, but I know that I will trust Him and I’ll wait to see what life will bring for me.” Each verse gave examples of Bible heroes who were used by God in great ways. I so badly wanted to be just like them! I was told that God was going to use me for something great someday—but when? Just like the child who starts out on a long road trip and asks, “Are we there yet?”—I grew up with anticipation about God’s adventure for my life. It has taken almost 20 years for me to understand the purpose of the road God has me on.
Since last Fall, I have been seriously considering getting a Minister’s License. This would be the next step in relating to other Pastor’s and add to my career credentials as a Children’s Evangelist. Most Ministers get Licensed through the church or denomination where they serve. My church only gives a license to those who minister directly on their church staff. A Pastor friend, who was formerly on Staff with Campus Crusade for Christ, recommended that I apply to the Evangelical Church Alliance (ECA). The ECA is an international organization founded to supply ministerial credentials to those who will not compromise the Word of God. So I pursued the application process through them.
After turning in the paperwork, processing my file took longer than I had been told to expect. In going through my file they noticed that I attended Biola University and graduated from the Children’s Ministry Institute (CMI). They also recognized that I had been serving in vocational ministry for almost 10 years. Based on this, the ECA called me to say that not only could I be Licensed, as I requested, but that I was qualified for Ordination! So I decided to go for it.
I have learned a lot following this trail and feel honored to join those I have respected for so long. I have heard it said, “God does not always call the qualified, but He qualifies the called.” I know I still haven’t “arrived” but the One who planned my journey has been preparing me for this pathway, at least since Kindergarten.

God’s Superheroes

“Faster than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s . . . Bible Man!!” Well, all that may not be true, but he always wins a good ole’fashioned sword drill!
I actually got to meet Bible Man from the Children’s DVD Series created by Nelson Publishing when I visited San Diego for the Children’s Pastor’s Conference.
As we took this picture, posing with a grip of power, I thought, “How many Christians stand strong like a Superhero?” The Bible says in Ephesians 6:10, “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” Luckily, you don’t have to wear purple and gold spandex to faithfully live out this verse! But you do need to put on the full armor of God each day in order to stand strong. It is only by His power that we can put our trust in the truth of His Word. Remember “God’s Word will keep you from sin and sin will keep you from God’s Word.” Let’s be God’s Superheroes, as we depend on Him to help us do what is right.

Stepping into God’s Plan

2008 CYIAer’s: Muthoni, Rebekah, and Chelsea

Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) is a time when we challenge students to step forward into God’s plan for their lives.
One of our students, Senior High Graduate-Rebekah Pena, recently returned after 12 weeks of attending the Children’s Ministries Institute (CMI) at our CEF headquarters in Missouri. This experience was a significant step into God’s plan for her.
While at CMI, Rebekah learned about CEF ministries, sharpened her skills in teaching children and developed valuable friendships. She said the highlight was getting to know others who had dedicated their lives to serving God. Those around her strengthened her faith as she sought the Lord’s direction. Most importantly she learned to put God first in making decisions. She recommends CMI to other high school graduates, looking to prepare themselves for future ministry.
This will be my sixth year on staff at CYIA Training School and it has been such a joy to watch students, like Rebekah, step into God’s big plans for them.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Summer Supervisors

The Siblings from L to R: Samantha, Ada (Dio’s Sister-just visiting),
Diosdado Portugal and (another clubber-Samantha’s Sister) Savannah.

Please pray for Dio, our CYIA Supervisor, and not only him but for another leader God may call to help with CYIA this summer.

Communicating for Commitment

Our recruiting season for Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) is now underway. Again, I am looking forward to training a committed group of new students to teach the 5-Day Clubs this summer.
While we hope to see familiar faces return, we know the majority of our students will be new to the program. Those who participated last year, are now in college and busy with full-time jobs or will be attending summer courses.
Please pray especially that God would move in the hearts of new students to join us. Pray also for me, as I try to communicate the value of ministering to children and the positive impact it could have in their personal lives. Plenty of other activities compete for their time but, serving in the CYIA program will help them develop a closer relationship with Christ.

When Investing Dollars Makes Sense

No doubt, these are difficult times economically. I have noticed how many have been laid off and are struggling to provide for themselves and their families. As a missionary, I am not exempt from financial problems. While it could be much worse, I have noticed that my own ministry support has been down by just under $700 in the first quarter.
Recently, I was reminded that God has offered us eternal rewards and an inheritance that “can never perish, spoil or fade”(1 Peter 1:3-4). Who would consider giving to others in these tough times? Only those who have a totally different understanding of reality. Many of you, who have continued to give generously, are not immune to the economic crisis either. But you have entrusted yourselves to God and acknowledge that you are investing in what lasts for eternity. In 2 Corinthians 8:9 Paul reminds us, “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” I deeply appreciate those of you who have continued to give during this time. It shows you understand that investing your dollars in ministry, just makes the most sense.

The Winning Touch-down

I wasn’t much into sports through-out high school, especially football. However, when one P.E. Teacher taught us the “spiral punt,” I discovered a skill I never knew I had. That teacher helped me discover something I was good at and a new confidence came with it. I could finally contribute something to the team.
I never had a real coaching experience, until I joined the Kidology Coaching Program. Originally, when I joined the team of children’s ministry, I had a lot to learn. I didn’t realize I was playing the wrong position; trying to perform out of my weakest areas. Foul-ing up early on, cost me my confidence and made me think seriously about dropping out. But God was not finished with me yet and I was introduced to Coach Barney Kinard
Having a Ministry/Career Coach is like gaining yardage before you even start the game. Coach Barney got to know my skills, assessed the problem, and assigned me to a new position. The extra help meant I could come out ahead. Coach discovered my weak areas before my opponent did and gave me a strategy to handle them.
The Kidology Program covered a variety of topics. I learned leadership, administration and organizational skills. It covered monitoring and evaluating your own progress. I learned to make a goal and was challenged to follow through. During practice, I honed public speaking and learned to develop children’s outreach programs. Through this, I developed a Clowning Business and acquired the applicable skills of characterization, performing gospel illusions and balloon sculpture. In the midst of all this, I began to value having more time by myself to read books and pray daily. I began to understand that I could make good life decisions after personal retreat time away with God. Also developing was a network of teammates to cheer me on—many of whom also taught me skills out of their experiences. Before I knew it, I was in the first-string rather than just warming the bench!
The greatest blessing is having a Coach who is committed to making me a key player. Life and ministry are complicated enough without having to figure out the game-plan all by myself. Kidology Coaching was one of the best things I have ever done! God knew exactly what I needed and His provision for me was the winning touchdown.

"Where two or more are gathered . . . "

Does this count?

Keeping Up the Good Work

After years of faithful prayers, many public schools are opening their doors to After School Good News Clubs (ASGNC’s), especially as parents and volunteers see them in action.
Sue Myers, a CEF volunteer and retired teacher, was helping with the younger class at our fifth club, Wittmann School in Cerritos. The Wittmann Club had been meeting for years but last year decided to partner with CEF as one of our school clubs. It grew so fast in the fall of 2008 that by January 2009 they had to divide the group into three classes, which contain 25 kids each!
Based on that successful experience, Sue started pursuing a club at Palms Elementary School in Lakewood. She discovered that their First Grade Teacher, Mrs. Bogdonavich-affectionately referred to as Mrs. B- is also a Christian. Mrs. B wanted to start a Club in her own classroom. Palms became our sixth school club on December 2nd with 16 kids immediately attending. Then on February 19th, we helped Mrs. Porter, the Second Grade Teacher at Los Cerritos School in Long Beach, to start our seventh new club. We had been talking to her since November and the school finally gave approval.
That same week, we heard from Sue about yet another school contact. She had just met Mr. Swingle, a Christian teacher at Hawaiian School in Hawaiian Gardens. He was interested in starting a club right away in his classroom too! We are working hard, getting everything ready, so the start date for our eighth club can be March 9th.
Please continue to pray for our schools. Only God can open hearts, paving the way for a miracle of God’s perfect timing. Over 50 children have come to Christ just through the clubs mentioned above. We want to make use of our freedoms, while the door remains open. We will be keeping up the good work and are confident that God is being glorified. Amen!

My Little Balloon Babes

My two nieces,—or “little heart-stealers”—as I have come to call them, are a big part of my life and bring lots of joy! They love to dance, play puzzles and dress up whenever they have spare time.Alyssa is almost 4 and will readily tell you her birthday is coming in April. Brianna, who shares her sisters birthday month, is ready to turn 2! They have plenty of energy and frequently wear out the adults long before bedtime. They cruise around the house at “kid-speed” and invent their own mischief. Once, Bob found them hiding behind Alyssa’s bed, giggling and devouring jellybeans together. Alyssa likes to dress herself and insists on certain combinations of colors, whether they match or not. She likes to dress Brianna, though it is sometimes by force. She takes pleasure in leading her around the house by a piece of elastic pretending they are playing a game. To my surprise, most of the time, Brianna doesn’t seem to mind.
Brianna copies whatever she sees her sister do. Recently, I made balloon hats for both girls. We decided to take a picture of Alyssa against the door of our friend’s house. When I got Brianna’s hat made, she instinctively went over and stood by the door and smiled, as if to say, “I’m ready, you can take my picture now too.” It’s not hard to see why my heart melts for my little balloon babes.

Million $ Question

In early February, I was blessed to attend the Children’s Pastor’s Conference (CPC) in San Diego. This was a refreshing time where I got to learn, make new friends and be renewed. I roomed with a Children’s Worker from Kansas named Sharla (in left picture on far right). She is a full-time wife and mom, works as a public school teacher, and leads the children’s ministries at her church. It was fun to share our lives and ideas.
You may not know that I am member of, the most trafficked children’s ministry website on the internet. Karl Bastian, (pictured with me on the right) the Kidologist who started the website, was speaking at CPC and introduced me to other site members also attending. Karl invited us all to have dinner together which was a highlight.
During his workshop, Karl asked his million dollar question for me at CPC. “What do you love most about ministering to children?” That was a key question and the answer re-affirmed God’s call on my life. My desire is to be used exactly as He has gifted me in relational ministry to children. I left, feeling empowered to focus on and pursue what He has called me to accomplish. Thanks for your prayers. Together we are making a difference!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Children's Pastor's Conference

CPC which takes place in San Diego on February 4-6 is a wonderful learning experience for children’s ministry specialists! This year, it will cost $600 (including room and board) to attend. This would be a special time for me to hear from God and renew my vision for ministry. If you would like to help me attend, make your check out to CEF and write “Project N-CPC” in the memo. You could also pray for me during this time, that I would be refreshed and I will know God’s direction for the future. Thank you.-Nancy

Weathering the Storms

Some people enjoy winter and the brisk cold that it brings. Being a southern California girl, however, I much prefer the warmth of the sun. The Good News Club at Prisk Elementary School in Long Beach began on October 2, 2008, but not without being introduced to some stormy weather early on. The week before the club began, permission slip forms were distributed. The Principal quickly heard that some parents and teachers were not in favor of having a CEF Good News Club at their school. You could say we got a “cold reception.” Before a formal meeting was held to address their concerns, an urgent prayer request email was sent out. It seemed that the many prayers warmed up the climate of the imminent meeting.
The Principal initiated her own research and was completely prepared. She gave a professional, unbiased presentation about the laws regarding CEF’s right to have a club on campus. It was decided to allow the club to continue as scheduled, even though some were not pleased. Like storm clouds of opposition, threats of having to cancel the club loomed in front of us. But God allowed us to persevere and three weeks later, 20 children were enjoying their new club.

Heart-Home Improvement

My Aunt has a magnet on her refrigerator which says, “If you are coming to see me; come anytime. But if you are coming to see my house, please make an appointment.” I guess we all like to get our places cleaned up before guests come over. I wonder, is the same for the heart? If Jesus suddenly dropped by (into my heart) would I be embarrassed? Would I scurry around trying to clean up thoughts, words or actions before He saw them? What would He find, at the bottom of a heap, on the floor of my heart? What would be stashed under the bed so no one could see?

These were the thoughts that ran through my head as I was preparing for our CEF Valentine Outreach Party called My Heart Home. The story is modeled after the old devotional written by Robert Boyd Munger, called My Heart, Christ’s Home. I highly recommend this wonderfully thought provoking booklet.

Most of us probably try to clean ourselves up before we come to God. We don’t realize that the same grace that allowed us to come to the cross to receive Christ as Savior, is the same grace that we rely on as we come before Him each day. Jesus is not just a Guest in my heart, staying only for a week’s vacation, but He actually moved in just like He promised in his word. John 14:23CEV says “Jesus replied: If anyone loves me, they will obey me. Then my Father will love them, and we will come to them and live in them.” Once I asked Him to be Lord of my life, He not only took up permanent residency, but I handed Him the deed to the entire estate.

My goal is now to please Him in every room (area) of my life. Sometimes it just takes some minor dusting and vacuuming. Other times, he is ready to knock down old barriers and begin major reconstruction. Maybe you didn’t know the Holy Spirit was into power tools? This renovation is not complete yet and I am certainly not ready for an Open House, but it is definitely underway. Now there is no need for Jesus to make an appointment. I guess you could say, we are on our way to some Heart-Home Improvement.

P.S. BTW, you all gotta see this funny U-tube video!

It has a great message!

A Season of Learning

Every year I determine to join a small group of likeminded Christians for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. Most of the small group opportunities come through my church.
This year, I was invited to join a Learning Community through Urban Youth Workers Institute (UYWI). UYWI is an evangelical, nation wide para-church organization that seeks to develop leaders who minister to children and youth in urban areas. Since I minister to children in urban areas of Long Beach and have been seeking to better understand their needs. This was a perfect fit.
My Learning Community is made up of women, most of whom minister in the L.A. Area. One of my co-workers at CEF, Paulette Williams, joined as well. This is giving me a chance to get to know her outside of the work context. We meet monthly for 4-6 hours and sometimes go out to experience life together. We read one book a month and come together to discuss what it means in the context of our life and ministry. We have read Captivating by John and Stacy Eldridge, Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels and The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. I see this as a blessed season of learning from other women of God who are just as committed to care for young people as I am.