Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Winning Touch-down

I wasn’t much into sports through-out high school, especially football. However, when one P.E. Teacher taught us the “spiral punt,” I discovered a skill I never knew I had. That teacher helped me discover something I was good at and a new confidence came with it. I could finally contribute something to the team.
I never had a real coaching experience, until I joined the Kidology Coaching Program. Originally, when I joined the team of children’s ministry, I had a lot to learn. I didn’t realize I was playing the wrong position; trying to perform out of my weakest areas. Foul-ing up early on, cost me my confidence and made me think seriously about dropping out. But God was not finished with me yet and I was introduced to Coach Barney Kinard
Having a Ministry/Career Coach is like gaining yardage before you even start the game. Coach Barney got to know my skills, assessed the problem, and assigned me to a new position. The extra help meant I could come out ahead. Coach discovered my weak areas before my opponent did and gave me a strategy to handle them.
The Kidology Program covered a variety of topics. I learned leadership, administration and organizational skills. It covered monitoring and evaluating your own progress. I learned to make a goal and was challenged to follow through. During practice, I honed public speaking and learned to develop children’s outreach programs. Through this, I developed a Clowning Business and acquired the applicable skills of characterization, performing gospel illusions and balloon sculpture. In the midst of all this, I began to value having more time by myself to read books and pray daily. I began to understand that I could make good life decisions after personal retreat time away with God. Also developing was a network of teammates to cheer me on—many of whom also taught me skills out of their experiences. Before I knew it, I was in the first-string rather than just warming the bench!
The greatest blessing is having a Coach who is committed to making me a key player. Life and ministry are complicated enough without having to figure out the game-plan all by myself. Kidology Coaching was one of the best things I have ever done! God knew exactly what I needed and His provision for me was the winning touchdown.

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