Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tenth School Club Opens

Glazier Elementary School in Norwalk has allowed us to begin holding an After-School Good News Club on their campus at the beginning of November. This happens to be the same school where my older sister, Susan, works as a 3rd Grade Teacher. She has agreed to lead the team of Christian volunteers; current and former teachers.
I will teach this club for the first several weeks until the volunteers are able to take over. This After-School Good News Club is the tenth Club that the Greater Long Beach Chapter has sponsored. I am so glad God is using me in public schools.

God Provides New Computer

I had not told anyone the trouble I was having with my laptop back in June. Wrestling with technology during the day was causing unnecessary stress. After six years of constant use, my laptop was running slowly. A year ago, I added another gigabyte of memory in hopes of making it last a bit longer. Other symptoms were error messages and having to interrupt my work constantly to reboot. When it froze, I remember thinking . . . if I did not have the money to fix the computer, than I certainly did not have enough to buy a new one.
In early July, one of my supporters (a dear couple) asked if there was a special project they could help with in my ministry. Immediately, computer problems came to mind. The offered to buy me a new computer.
God was providing for me again! This couple was so generous that I was able to purchase a new 15 inch Mac Book Pro, purchase the warranty, the One to One Training Program, iWork software and it even came with a printer as well. I am so happy to have a Mac. Praise God for His provision!

Five Kids Receive Christ on Halloween

Starburst the Clown was asked to be the Children’s Speaker at the “Light the Night” Halloween Carnival Alternative at the First Baptist Church of Alhambra. Weeks of planning yielded a great harvest of people coming through the doors. There were games, food, a bounce house, and upstairs in the Good News Room, was Starburst the Clown. Eight Children’s Workers were trained and standing by, ready to pray with children who responded to the invitation to receive Christ. About 80 people came to the Good News Room and heard the gospel during the two shows. Five children prayed to become a Child of God, as a result! I was so glad let my light shine on Halloween night. Give God the glory with me.

Nancy’s Getting Married

Paul asked me to marry him and I said “Yes!” We are planning to get married next April.
Both of us being in our 30’s meant that we already knew ourselves pretty well and what we were looking for in a mate. On one of our first dates, I remember asking what we had in common, as I was skeptical at first. As I got to know Paul, I discovered so many things in common that I lost count.

Early on, I shared with him God’s call on my life to evangelize children and found that he was extremely supportive of my ministry. His goals in the medical field, are motivated by the same heart of compassion and desire to serve others that I value so much. What a thrill to discover that specific prayers for a our future mate, were answered in each other! Now I can see that not only did God answer, but He went beyond what I asked, providing for what I did not even have the wisdom to request.
In mid October, we celebrated our 6 month anniversary. Paul took me to a fancy dinner in Laguna Beach and afterwards, we walked down to the sand. He got down on one knee and asked me to be Mrs. Kannard. He placed a beautiful diamond engagement ring on my finger and I accepted. I am so excited about planning a Wedding. Praise God with me for how He is guiding our lives!